Monday, April 13, 2015

What have John B. Keane, George B. Shaw and E.X have in common?

All three are Irish people who can make people laugh heartily over the misery they write about.... 
The former two you can catch up on in a book store.  Not everyone however is privy to E.X´s writing. But you are the lucky ones now; see in black, the e-mail I wrote to the same E.X. on Sunday.  And more importantly her answer in blue.  
Dear E.X,

I know now would likely be a good time for you to chat. But the weather is glorious, so I am sorry, I am going out to enjoy the sun!  The happy (hopefully) stories of your beloved baby daughter´s wedding will have to wait. I hope you can deal with that!

I will give it a shot to call you tonight, but if you too have good weather, you may well be out too.  Love R Rosaleen
Unhappy response I received from E.X. that Sunday evening.
Talk about annoying a person! It was lashing rain all night with high winds. This continued up until two hours ago. I have glimpsed a sighting of a blue cloud very far away but then I am a colour blind optimist. We had our summer last week when it reached 18 degrees and pale legs emerged as people went mad and wore shorts. Ice cream cones were the order of the day and the whole country basked in sunshine. Those were good memories! It's 9 degrees and no matter how cold it gets I REFUSE TO LIGHT A FIRE. I am living in fear of the bills for the last month. Selina -  (E.X´s daughter-in-law from Australia)  was freezing the whole time she was home for the wedding and kept the heat on. I have a repetitive strain injury in my hand from turning off the heating. She has one from turning it on.
Will call you during the week as I am out this evening.
Lots of love
Your wet friend

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