Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Build to the Wellie Race up the Alps is rolling on.......

Yes, I know many of you are counting the days.  Only 21 more sleeps to the big wellie day!

Wellie race aficiandos will surely enjoy the letter below posted to Kilkenny Carlow Community Radio earlier this week.  And, it gives you an inside scoop on what is what re. wellie race planning.
Dear Eimer,

I understand you are the go to person for the KCLR Live show. 

Perhaps you might be interested in the wellie race in Switzerland.   I know that KCLR Live are great supporters of the  Wellie Race in Castlecomer.

1)  See info. below, also as an attachment, on the St. Patrick´s Day  Wellie Race up the Alps.

2) You will note, the race date has been changed.  Previously the race was run for Valentine´s Day.  But, we had complaints from ladies in Switzerland; it seems unlike Irish men who can be romantic in their wellies every day of the year (!!), the men in this region found it hard to get into romantic mode in their wellies.  ´Nuff said, shall we say.  

3)  We have another problem: The Taytos problem.   WE CAN`t get them! .....

Every year the race participants get a bag of Taytos, the cultural food of Ireland; due to flooding and other logistical reasons, we could not get Taytos over from Ireland this year. We called the TAYTO World headquarters in Ashbourne, but for ´health and safety reasons´ or something they cannot post us our Taytos.  - And that after we said we would pay for them an´ all!

I wonder if amoung your listnership there is someone who might be coming to the region of Konstanz on Lake Konstanz in Germany, or St. Gallan in Switzerland before March 13th.  If they could bring us two big bags of Cheese and Onion Taytos they would save our bacon so to speak.   We could reimburse the person in Swiss Francs, Euros or German sausages. 

(No brown envelopes I am afraid, Chubby in Castlecomer said that is getting to be a no no now, esp. after a few ´boyos´were caught red handed with brown envelopes flying around their wind mills and what not.)

I would be delighted to talk to you about the Wellie Race.    With advance notice I can be available on Fridays all day.  In addition I am available  Wednesdays and Thursdays BEFORE 10:00 a.m. Irish time.  

And so to the wellie race info....

The St. Patricks Day Wellie Race up the Alps takes place:
When:  Sunday 13th of March 2016

Where:  The Kretz Dairy Farm,
              St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Time:   Arrive around 12:30 p.m.    The children’s wellie race starts at 1.00 p.m.   While the start time is ´a bit´open.

All the fun must end by 4:30 p.m. - before the milking starts!

The race will be followed by an Irish Céilí Dance - in the Wellies of course.
1)      To restore stamina after the big wellie run, grilled genuine German sausages, made in               Switzerland, and hot soup can be purchased for five Swiss francs, and CHF 2.50   for         children

2)      Members of the céilí dancing Broggy family, world renowned, in some places, will be on hand to teach race participants and guests the finer points of dancing the Walls of         Limerick in their wellies etc.

3)     Anyone within driving distance of St. Gallen wanting  to run up the Alps in their wellies for St. Patrick’s Day should contact me at:

4)      For  more on our last year’s fun and frolics running up the Alps in our Wellies see: 

5)      More on the world famous (in some places) Castlecomer Wellie Race, where they have             been running races in their wellies for over 35 years, check out:

All for now.  I am off to do my first 50 pushups of the day.  In the wellies naturally.

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