Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If you are old enough to climb out of the pram you should read this.....

Sometimes one has to (reluctantly)  admit, one can´t improve on a job well done.  This is one such case.  Fellow blogger Sarah B. Weir who blogs on Yahoo, did an excellent review on sunscreens that should be of interest to everyone who wants to enjoy the sun while avoiding the ´darker side´of sun joy. (Pun intended I am afraid). 

Ms. Weir´s blog post at:  http://shine.yahoo.com/blogs/author/sarah-b-weir-yahoo-blogger-ycn-1203705/  discusses good sunblock choices and bad, in addition to other helpful information on sunblock and its application.  All well worth a read for ladies, and gentlemen, of a certain age - which when it comes to sun protection  is everyone that is over the age of ´can get out of the pram and run in the sun´.

For the busy readers of this blog, I will include a list of her recommended and affordable sunscreens. - The rest of you should read Ms. Weir´s blog - now!

Ms. Weir´s 15 recommended and most affordable sunscreen products:

Now this is a different post style from my usual musings... but I have decided  I am doing you all a favor giving you this information.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh I had such a lovely day today!

Today started off nice, that is to say I managed to eat my breakfast in bed without ending up sitting on a mole hill of  crumbs - and then it went and got better!

A local artist, Marianne Hagemann, had an open house for her lake-side garden and art studio.  It was a delight.    More so because in summers past when I  swam by the houses on the lake front, I had decided this home was my favorite.  Not my second favorite, not my ´today´s favorite´.  No it was, and is, my always and ever very favorite.  Whenever I swam past this little cul-de-sac of bucolic tranquility,  I would wonder what it was like there in the home and in the garden.  I was not disappointed.   

Have a look at the photos and you will see what I mean.   But don´t rush through the photographs now, no come back here to look at the photographs when you have time to savor them.  Or, save the photos for that day when getting yourself into these little sunny corners of happiness might be just what you needed.

Looking at these photographs with little corners of ´heavenly moments´ happening here and there all over the place; consider the whole space is no bigger than say a quarter of an acre. 

.... And there I did not think the day could get better than it was already, and there it did - again; I have just read that Midsomer Murders  is on T.V. tonight. Whoop die do, ´...there is nothing like a nice relaxing murder before bed´ I always say.  

Ahh...  Life is sweet today.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

OMG - My blog followers have shot up 100%

Hurray hurray. Yes, for the last year I have had two blog followers, me, and me.  Now all of a sudden there are four people reading my blog.  An increase of 100%.  Woohoo!

Who are these people with excellent taste in blogs?  What part of the world do they come from?  How did they come by my blog?  Exciting stuff this!

Wow, what´s his face Leo can tremble, I have only 249,096 followers to go before I overtake him.  Hey, I could do it in this life time!

I think I need a cup of tea to celebrate!  More later.

P.S.  - Oh, yes  ´what´s his face Leo´ a.k.a. Leo Babauta, has a blog called Zen Habits.  His blog is, by some counts, the most successful blog this side of what we can´t see in China.  Zen Habits has 250,000 followers.  O.k. o.k. so maybe I won´t overtake him in this lifetime -  but it could happen maybe two lives down the road.

Now for that cup of Barry´s.....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sometimes, life ... just ... happens...

So there I was all intent on writing in my blog for the last 3 days.... and life happened. Not bad life, indeed one could go so far as to say good life, like sunshine and cycling and helping Romeo H with garden work.  (Hey what´s not to love getting paid to go to a house belonging to very nice people and water their plants as you enjoy the view they paid a fortune to have!)  And then other, just ´stuff´ stuff -  not least of which was a broken computer.  But we are on the mend again, my computer, and I too, from all the discombobulations caused by said computer breakdown.

So in lieu of my mumbles and musings.... I have here wonderful pictures of Allensbach taken by R.H´s cousin....

Sit back, get a cup of what ever you are having yourself, and enjoy.  Oh, I think you may have to copy and paste.  Can you do that on a blog?  Hey I am still learning too!
