Friday, April 30, 2021

The First Day of the Rest of my Life - AGAIN!

Ok, so regular blog readers will have observed, that this ´ First Day of the Rest of my Life` business has been going on with me quite a bit these last 12 months.  But in fairness, it has been a great 12 months of new life stuff what with my retirement and all. 

So this First Day of the Rest of my Life story is about my FREE travel pass; from the age of 66 eligible residents in Ireland can travel on public transport for free. 
And that is what I did for my 66h!
I had a great day using my brand new free travel card.  
While Covid restrictions prevented a wild day trip to Cork or some such, I took myself off to Kilsheelan using my free OAP bus pass.  A grand walk by the river an ice cream and then I came home.
Photos attached - include a photo of bus driver who enjoyed the story of ´my first time´.  It was he suggested he should hold up my OAP pass on its first use.  As it happens the driver himself came from Kilsheelan, so he was delighted I was visiting the village as my first free travel adventure.

And yes what with Covid county restrictions it was, a few teeny tiny miles over the county border into Tipperary from  Kilkenny.  I know I know...  I am a bold OAP! (old age pensioner). 

That evening a stake dinner and some nice wine which Romeo H had chosen for me,  so it was just a grand day. 

And more good stuff: I received my Covid vaccine four days later! 

Well I tell you, things are looking better-er and better-er these days.   
 Happy Day dear reader!
Addendum 1: 
Fortunately some one asked about the castle in the picture.  A most interesting story that I was glad I followed up on.
And more, the castle is now owned by an Austrian artist whose work myself and Romeo H know. So that was a nice twist to an already nice day!
Addendum 2:  
 I want to acknowledge the work of the late Brian Lenihan Snr. a politician who put together the free travel scheme for seniors. He died before the scheme could be put into action.  
Alas credit for the free travel scheme is sometimes erroneously given to another Irish politician, the late rouge, thieving, corrupt, embezzling, tax evading, bribe taking Charlas Haughey.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A Plug and a Pleasure!

Now there is a heading to mystify!  But it is not so complicated when explained.


I write about Incognito. 


One could say, I am plugging Incognito, and it is indeed a pleasure to do so! 


Incognito is an Irish art organization supporting Jack and Jill, an exemplary organisation that provides nursing support to  families who have children with challenging medical needs.





Going for about five years now but on line this year for the first time, Incognito sells post card art pieces from various artists. More than 3000 artists from over 27 countries have donated artwork over the years. 


This is the really fun aspect.  The cards are all sold For €60.00 each -yes sixty Euro!  But you don´t know who has painted/created what post card from viewing the website until after the annual art work auction - which is TODAY Thursday the 22nd of April at 10:00 am.





So you pay your €60 in advance; one can purchase up to three choices of art work.  Picture allocation is computer generated, so you might get all your chosen pictures – or none at all.  


Now is that fun and drama or what!


Before the auction, you can view all 3000 plus artworks, decide on one to three of them, agree to pay up front.  Then you might get fabulous art work from a well known artist, that you don´t know.  Or get a picture not at all to your taste, and from a not so well known artist.   








The website is easy, and indeed enjoyable to navigate; it is a joy to ´potter about´ on the site.  - And it all looks so pretty!  I viewed every single piece of art work, all 3000 plus pieces.  (Covid Times gives one time!)

To enjoy the work and learn more about Incognito check out:

The Incognito project brings in much needed funds for Jack and Jill, it is a great way to introduce people to art, and to introduce various artists to the wider community.  - Not to mention introducing the great work of Jack and Jill to the public.  Just win wins all over the place! 

While you are too late for this year.  Put it on your calendar for next year.  







These first three pictures are my choices;   I would be very happy to get even one of them, three times as happy to get three of them!  


I am glad we can only attempt to purchase three cards, because I would have wanted to purchase these too... which I don´t need, and lets face it, three of anything no matter how nice is enough... well except Smarties.  One can never get enough Smarties! 




I add a few more pictures from the 3000 plus available; you can see the talent and diversity are a delight.

Do enjoy!   And mark your calenders for next March to check out this wonderful project!

Do enjoy!   And mark your calenders for next March to check out this wonderful project!

Once again an platform for buying artwork, and the funds supports Jack and Jill which offers home nursing assistance to family with children who have serious medical concerns.