Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I am having a bad hair day for more than 3 weeks now...

Yes.  I am having a bad hair day for more than 3 weeks now, that and a huge big fat cold sore under my nose for almost as long.  For me `bad`  anything does not lend itself to www - writing with wit. See I told you I could not write with wit.

I just cannot understand those creative types who when they are so depressed, they cannot get themselves out of bed, and when they finally do, they create epoch changing literature/ art/ music.  HOW does anyone do that? When I am feeling even the littlest bit bla, all I can do is drag myself through the day popping Smarites - the Cadbury variety, not the ´other kind´I hasten to add, and hope the blues lift before anyone notices I am not ´myself´as they say.

Re. Smarties Wikipedia says of them:

Smarties are oblate spheroids with a minor axis of about 5 mm (0.2 in) and a major axis of about 15 mm (0.6 in). They come in eight colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, mauve,[2] pink and brown, although the blue variety was temporarily replaced by a white variety in some countries, while an alternative natural colouring dye of the blue colour was being researched.

Imagine, Smarties have their very own Wikipedia page - who knew!  Anyway, here´s the link for more on these oblate spheriodal yummies:

Anyway to give us all a smile, I am sending links to smile worthy web postings. The first comes from Louie who must get credit for consistently sending smile worthy links.  Tell me this one does n´t make you smile regardless of what your life is about today:

And this link reminds one we should not think because kids are ´just´ kids that they don´t know what is what!

May your day be wonderful!

Hausfrau Róisín.