So as I am wont to do on occasion, I reviewed my will and other ´dead stuff´ last week. WHAT DO YOU MEAN -- ´How do I make a will?´ If you have no clue, go find out NOW.
Not that it will have an iota of a meaning for you. But it sure as heck makes it easier for the people who love you and are still alive. .....
But I digress.
Anyway, see below an edit from some of my updates. To be honest a fine but not overly fabulous read. What is a really fun read is the response from the Executrix of my estate, see below on red. But to enjoy that, you need to read my bit first.
Roe´s dead stuff. Edits from same. Updated April 26, 2019.
should be as cheap and as green and as ´natural’ as possible within the
bounds of human decency and the comfort of the mourners.
A nice small headstone, the round top old fashion sort, like in the cowboy films.. Stone not marble etc.
No falsies and other stuff.
If I am in reality 90 plus – which I hope is the case and I look ´shook´, I am happy if a little
dolling up is done so that I look about 80 and not too shook. Looking
80 and not too shook would be good, looking 23 ´and on the beat´not. -
You get the idea.
What to wear when I am being buried.
In whatever I will look good in, but nothing expensive. Nothing of value to be buried with me.
If there is a few bob to spare in the kitty, let all who come have a bit of a bash on me after the funeral.
I have asked that Romeo H put a small announcement in the local paper.
And executrix Evelyn´s response to these requests...
Rosaleen what cheerful reading on Saturday evening! Showing yourself to
be a bit of a control freak in death. You will be dead you don’t appear
to realize that. You will be no more, finito! It won’t make any
difference what you want, if Herbert feels in the mood he could bury
you in the lake. (Not suggesting you would for one moment Herbert)
suggest you be buried in an expensive cashmere jumper. in a really
fancy coffin covered in brass and Angels carved into front and back.
I am not there before you I will sob uncontrollably (just for effect)
and go to throw myself on top of grave but make sure someone catches
fact just leave it all to me I will make sure you get a great send off.
I will invite the world and his wife, put it in Irish Times,
Independent, Kilkenny People and Bild.
Trust you are feeling well and this is just you ruminating.
Lots of love
Your very much alive friend
Sent from my iPhone