Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I feel like I live in a Christmas card on Mr. Rogers' Mantelpiece!

When I lived in Citylights in New York City, I used to say I felt like it was living in an apartment building in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.  Now living on Lake Konstanz in Germany, I feel I am living in a Christmas card on Mr. Rogers' mantelpiece! 
You will understand what I mean when you look at these photographs, which were taken out walking in the area over Christmas time.

Like most of these photos I am not adding captions.   How can I improve on what you see!

Heaps of manure, in my mind, are not given their due respect, except by  hens - and a few wise men.  Not only is the real Mc Coy a very valuable asset in the making of our 'daily bread'; the world and the people in it, would  be  much better off if people could work out what they see, hear or want  was 'a load of manure' or not, before they spend too much time, energy, or life on the matter.

The Bunte Kuh, or Colorful Cow as you English/American speakers would say, is a pub in the the little village of Kaltbrunn.   I am adding this image with the colorful cow in her wellies, in homage to the world famous (in some places), Castlecomer Wellie Race.   The wellie race for charity, and fun, will take place on New Year's Day.  The event, always on January 1st., has taken place in Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny for over 30 years. They have wellie races and dances and floats and the 'Major Regrets' - the latter being Castlecomers' answer to the Dallas Cowboys' pom pom girls.   Great fun -and a pint or two is had by all.  All this in addition to collecting 'loads a money' for charity.  The lads in Casltecomer don't know how much they have collected and donated to charity, because it took them 'a while' to work out that the Wellie Race had caught on and they should keep records of all they donated.  But they know it is over a million dollars by now.  Not bad work in your wellies with a hang over, right!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Every Relationship Needs a Herb Book

No, I am not saying you need to be up to date, on the latest culinary or botanical varieties. - Though both, I am sure, can spice up - pun intended I am afraid, any life. But they are not the focus of this  tome. And no, I am not suggestion you should brush up your knowledge on the multitude of 'inhaling substances' now available. You can if you want - of course, but I am not necessarily making the suggestion you do.

What I am suggesting - saying quite clearly in fact is: in a relationship neither party should EVER have to ask for money.  Not  kosher.  And worse for the 'askee', it can feel like they are begging for money. Let me expound... Well, we all know I will.

In any inter-dependent relationship between adults, there are times occasionally when one or other party is not earning money - illness, between jobs, pregnancy, re-location etc. It behooves the income earner then to share funds with the non-money earner. Ideally that should all be laid out beforehand, and bank accounts set up accordingly. But often in the hustle and bustle of the changing circumstances and busy days, that discussion gets forgotten. And anyway, there is often the need for cold hard CASH!

Of course if either party in the relationship is addicted to spending, then this conversation is over right now. But, assuming neither party at this 'financially one-sided' period in the relationship is overtaken with addictions; it still is not comfortable for the person who is not earning to have to ask for money. As suggested above, it can feel to the 'askee' as if they are begging. (A perfectly legal profession let me hasten to add, and a much more honest and noble way of accumulating funds than say earning millions by pretending financial balances are accurate resulting in millions of people loosing their life savings - for example).

But for people who are not up to begging, there is a solution. A book. Or any place that money can be easily stashed.

The income earner can put an allotted amount of money in/on/under same, say enough to cover what ever cash is needed for a week or whatever works for you. In our case we have ..... yes, a Herb book. Whenever funds are running low, I take another Euro 50 (always 50, so I can calculate how much has been used). I leave the book out on the table so Romeo H. is aware there has been a 'movement of funds'. When he puts the book away he knows a 50 is gone and he can calculate when he needs to 're-stash the cash'. That way there doesn't come a day where there is no money and no unpleasant surprise to boot - or to book in this case!

Assuming there was a lot of discussion and pre-planning involved in the development of 'the Herb Book Method of Money Management' a very sensible money planning type person I know asked how the Herb Book Method evolved. Much as I'd love to take credit for being party to developing a money management methodology far exceeding in efficacy any thing the Irish Banking System ever came up with, alas I must reluctantly concede there was absolutely no discussion or pre-planning involved. It just 'sort of' happened. Romeo H always kept a little stash of cash in the house. One day I needed money, so I took some from the stash in the Herb Book. Fearing I would forget to tell Romeo H it was I and not the local cat burglar who had procured funds from his cash stash, I simply left the book out on the table. Romeo H being a very neat orderly sort of human, (I am not alas - but let us not go there, my day has being going perfectly well until now so why mess up the happy mood,) immediately noticed the book out of place and returned it to the shelf. It was a few days before either of us remembered to mention the incident.

We decided then to maintain the Herb Book Method of fund procurement as the status quo. And it works; the whole process is successfully completed without anyone getting to feel like they are begging a favor when they are simply getting on with life and the cost of living it.

FYI. The picture as usual has nothing much to do with the blog post. I just like the 'quietness' of it. The water birds are keeping warm together on a cold December day on Lake Konstanz. And yes, the Swiss Alps can be seen in the distance.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Dorothy - my perfect dummy.

Dear Dorothy, 

It just struck me, you are my perfect 'dummy'!  NOT I hasten to add, am I suggesting you could in anyway be mistaken for stupid, rather you unwittingly, but hopefully for both of us not unfortunately,   have come to represent my 'target market'.  

Let me explain.

Your email response arrived saying how my email put a smile on your face -   just when I was mulling over an issue of somewhat less than world changing importance.  Namely my blog!  
Let me expound.  

Several years ago I was in a mentoring role for a young lady.  Now she is 'all growed up' and doing all sorts of fine and exciting things in her life.  And she has turned the tables.  For sometime now she has been encouraging me, nay nagging me to start a blog; she opines that my advice and perspective over the years was helpful. Me and my ego were delighted of course and I attempted to follow up.  But I came to realize an uncomfortable truth:   I have only about 4 1/2 trinkets of advice to offer the world.  And worse, they are nothing new either.  The reality is, I don't have much to say that hasn't been said already, and indeed already said in much finer style than my humble mumblings could rise to.

But, having nothing new to say has never stopped me saying anything before (as my very pained siblings can attest to), and it won't now either.  However for reasons expounded on above, my snippets of advice would not get my blog much beyond the first month so I decided it might be best to expand the topic areas.

That is where your 'dummy-hood' comes into play.   As a busy woman of the world, with some wonderful stuff in your life - i.e. your perfect grandchild, and some harder stuff - concerns over Mum as she grows older, you  may not have the time, or  more specifically, the interest, to hear about my daily life and times – dentist visit, flat wheel on my bike, worries about Ireland’s economy - or lack thereof etc.  And indeed woman of the world that you are, you certainly don't need, never mind want, advice from my little corner of the universe!  But if my assortment of musings, amusings and advisings were of interest to you -  not so  much because they might directly relate to  your life, rather because my contemplations, or rather my 'unique style' of expounding on same, might give you a smile, then I would be happy that I have done my job well.  

Thus as I write in my blog, I will ask myself: “might this contribution to the canon of ‘somewhat less than great literature’ put a smile on Dorothy's face”? And if I can answer "yes" - then I will hit the send button!

Thus Ms. Dorothy - that is how you came to be my target market!   .... Are you a one lucky woman - or what!!!

With love, 

p.s. The photo has nothing to do with your 'dummy-hood' in anyway. I just like it - the photo that is!  I took the photo here in late October en route to a village called Möggingen (Oh don't you just love that place name - as good as any you can find in Ireland), when I was 'strolling about on my bike' as I like to say.  If you look carefully at the horizon you can see the Alps - which are actually more than 50 miles away... cool or what.