Friday, March 25, 2011

This blog posting is not even a little bit funny.

No, that is not a catchy head line with a witty turn.  It is the truth.  

And there I go breaking my own rule of keeping content on my blog  "in the happy zone"  believing as I do that concerned engaged busy people, (i.e. my blog followers - all two of us!), have enough serious stuff to deal with in life,  that they don't need to deal with anything less than happy in the few minutes they  might  'pop in' to visit my site.

But like I said, its my web blog, and I can make the rules.  And I can break them!

This week I received an e-mail from a gentleman called Louie.  He is an engaged, concerned and very patriotic American. - He served his country in the armed forces. His email's content was about the 'upside down-ness' of the American media.  For example, one recent week it was flooded  with 'news information' on the activities of two Hollywood stars  having very public 'personal melt downs'.  That same week many media sources had nothing too much to say about the brave individuals who lost their lives in combat in Afghanistan and other war zones.  What ever one's thinking is about America's involvement in the wars, nobody but nobody can question the service of  the people who lost their lives (RIP),  in these war zones.  Louie's e-mail was right; we should be hearing a lot more about the latter than the former.  

Yes, there is indeed a lot of rubbish to be seen, heard and read in the media offerings of most every country.  But there is great, going on to excellent, media resources to be found in America, and elsewhere. One just has to look in the right places.  Here is a list of my own personal favorite, but hopefully impartial, media offerings.* 

And time, or the lack thereof,  is no excuse.  Five options, one hour a week and you can be informed, at least a little informed, on what is going on in the world today.  Another thing you will find with these media sources: not all news is bad, a lot is, but not all.  There is indeed much to be hopeful about in this little part of the universe we call "world" -  as you will see, should you check out the media resources mentioned below.

1)  The Christian Science Monitor            

‘The Monitor Rocks".  So say I!
The is 'the little newspaper that could'.  And does. The writing is balanced and thoughtful. The topics may not be the top themes in your local area, but they can be of importance and interest globally.
Do not assume the paper’s content will have a ‘Christian Science’ leaning. It does not. Back in 1906, the founder of the paper Mary Baker Eddy, (also the leader of the Christian Science denomination) was so disturbed by the mis-information written about her in the newspapers of the day, she decided to publish a newspaper that offered impartial news coverage. She passionately believed “truth is the beginning of solutions”.
(Full disclosure: I am a shameless plugger of the Christian Science Monitor. They do a great job at a world class level and this with a circulation of less than 100,000 so you know they are not in it for the money! And I am not a Christian Scientist; I don’t believe I even know anybody who is).
Founded: 1908.
Head Office: Boston U.S. A.
Owner: Christian Science Publishing Society.

2)  NPR                                                      
Formally National Public Radio. The blurb on their website says “We produce, acquire, and distribute programming that meets the highest standards of public service in journalism and cultural expression”. They do all that and they do it superbly. I am particularly taken with anything from Democracy Now with Amy Goodman.
Launched: 1971
Head Office: Washington D.C.
Owner: NPR is a membership media organization that is privately and publicly funded.
3)  Al Jazeera English (ALJ)                     
Al Jazeera English is the Middle East’s equivalent of CNN. It offers 24 hours day news and current affairs programs. All in English. Although they offer news from all parts of the world, they really have ‘an insider perspective’ on life in the Middle East. Anyone reading this article that might be aghast that Al Jazeera sounds ‘too much like THEM and not enough like US’, should bare in mind Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice all choose to be interviewed by Al Jazeera at one time or other. (If you don’t know who the above mentioned people are, then you definitely need a serious catch up on current affairs!)
Al Jazeera English Launched: 2006.
Its parent company, Al Jazeera was launched in 1996.
Head Office: Qatar.
Owner: Qatar Media Corporation.

4a)  BBC World                                         
British Broadcasting Company – World Service. Launched: 1932.
Head Office: London, England.
Owner: The English tax payers. In 1922, the B.B.C. received a Royal Charter from the then English monarch George V.

4a)  Cable News Network (CNN)             
Launched: 1980.
Head Office: Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Owner: Turner Broadcasting System Inc (a Time Warner Company).

CNN, and BBC, you just can’t beat for being there - where ever ‘there’ is on any given day. Their journalists and reporters are on the ground when ever and where ever breaking news is happening. (Full disclosure this writer is somewhat biased towards Anderson Cooper on CNN - How can one not be?)

5)  Sanfrancisco Link TV                           
Sanfrancisco Link T.V. has a very global take on the world. And that is their stated aim. The TV channel and website offers “a global perspective on news, events and culture” They draw “on varied reliable news sources from all over the world for its content”. They also offer news and cultural programs for non-English speaking audiences. They really do live up to that, for example, you can see Al Jazeerea on Link TV when you cannot receive it in your own cable network area.
Launched: 1999
Head Office: San Francisco, U.S.A.
Owner: Media Link.

If one took 10 minutes a day 6 days a week to inform oneself on news and current affairs – just one hour a week, I suggest, that would give you at least a sense of “what is going on in our world now.”
Note: I am not financially or in any other way connected with any of these news outlets, save I have a very great respect for people and news sources that strive to offer relevant impartial news coverage.

* I only speak English fluently so I can only comment on English language media. But several of these media resources also offer excellent non-English news program options. This is a quick overview; you can find out more about every news source mentioned above on their website.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And what about Sally Field!

I have a big fat bee in my bonnet  that two time Oscar winner Sally field does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  And you know what, I sat and wrote to people to DO something about it.  I wrote to the L.A. Times and of course I wrote to Oprah!  Alas nobody came to Sally’s aid with her star catching.  Below is one letter I wrote to a Perez Hilton re. same…
Dear Mr. Hilton,                                              

     In my wildest imaginings I am constantly being mistaken for Charlize Theron.  In my wildest imaginings I am a guest on the Oprah Show, (for what reason I  have yet to work out); I am accepted as a member of MENSA; I holiday at the Ritz Paris, a lá Audrey Hepburn, and me wearing her beautiful clothes to boot (or should I say to elegant high heel in this instance).  

Yes and  in my wildest imagining that’s me right there along side Bono, Concern, Bill and Melissa making the world a better place.  But, never never never in my wildest imaginings did I think I would be writing to you, Mr. Perez Hilton, on any topic -  never mind the topic of making the world a better place (albeit a teeny teeny tiny bit better, - with no disrespect to the great work of Concern, Bono, Bill, Melissa et al).

But here I am.  And 'how can I make the world a better place' you might be asking:  Get Sally Field her Star on the Hollywood walk of Fame - that's how!

Here I live in the boondocks of Europe, albeit heavenly boondocks on Lake Konstanz, in the south of Germany, but boondocks none the less.  And there I was reading our local paper, the Südkurier, and there didn't they have a fine big article on YOU - a good 1/4 page spread you will be delighted to hear.   (And there I used to think Perez Hilton was from the Spanish side of the Hilton clan, silly me).  Zero to Fabulous in less than 3 years  - "good for Mr. Hilton said I to myself"  

Then I read on in the same newspaper (all in German mark you, something I am shamelessly proud of), that Mr. Colin Firth was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  Now I am delighted to hear Mr. Firth was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and clearly he was most gracious in his acceptance of this honor. However, I am sure I am not the only person, who, not for the first time, stopped and said:  '...And what about Sally Field!"

Two time Oscar winner Ms. Field was already making movies before Mr. Firth was out of diapers.  She won her first Oscar in 1979 when another Hollywood 'star' recipient Ryan Seacrest*, was only five.    Yes, let me repeat that: Ryan Seacrest has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, Sally Field does not!  

Every decade since the 1960’s Ms. Field has played memorable roles - some, like me for example, might say iconic roles, in Movies or on Television.  It is more than about time that a star of Sally Field's caliber was recognized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  -  And I am sure the now all grown up** Mr. Firth would concur! 

Now this is where the FABULOUS Mr. Hilton comes into play.  (Yes, blatant groveling, I know, but I have a job to do here).

I understand for everyone who has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, some person or organization must pay 'the COMMITTEE' a bribe... opps I mean a fee of $25,000.  Zero to Fabulous in less than 3 years would certainly indicate a readership of say 25,000 plus, right.    May I suggest to you Mr. Hilton, you  would do the world, and indeed your self, a favor if you were to suggest to your readers that if each and every one contributed one dollar to the 'Get Sally a Star' fund, in two weeks you would have the fee required to enable Ms. Field to have her star. 

I have no doubt Messer Brosnan, Hanks, Reynolds, and Williams et al would offer their support too.  Perhaps even the gracious Mr. Firth too!

What do you think, can we make the world a teeny teeny tiny bit a better place by getting Sally Field her long long LONG overdue star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  Yes we can!  We can make it so that Sally can’t deny the fact, that we like her, right now, we like her!

Yours sincerely, 

..... aka Hausfrau Roisin                             February, 2011

      Lake Konstanz

* Some of your readership may not recall any memorable roles Mr. Seacrest played. Assure them that they really really don't need to worry about this.

** Although Mr. Firth is all grown up chronologically, the fact that he has been sighted in public wearing high heel shoes and white sequined spandex bell bottoms with lace gussets, that no one, but no one, without a Swedish sounding name should ever been seen dead in, never mind in public in, might cause one to question, (along side the above mentioned Mr. Brosnan), Mr. Firth's level of maturity. 
 - True the same could be said for wearing a veil shaped like a rocket ship, but as Ms. Field was barely out of her teens at the time, it could be genuinely considered 'a youthful indiscretion'.  And besides - she was a ‘Flying Nun’!