- Please, scroll down and enjoy.
Is that photo above not the coolest shot of what appears to be ´naughty art´somewhere in the woods... No, not ´naughty art´but a geological phenomenon called Churfirsten in Sippling on the Bodensee. You can see a clearer view of the Gesteine here on the right.
.... Onwards and upwards and ´nicht so schlimm´ at all at all. Or, as you non- German speakers might say. .. Not so bad at all at all. ...
The profile of a mysterious (!!!) woman in lilac....
Yep, a real live heap a cow dung outside the door .. for a better view see below...
I am sure you dear reader, like me, you may not be enthused about living in the house above. But walk down the road a bit and you see a short distance away a house cosily nestled at the bottom of two adjoining hills....
Well what ever they are pondering, they have a great view for it....
(B.T.W. did we not see that lilac beret somewhere before?)
A teppe with no top, is well like a bar with no beer. Oder?
Aha! That´s what they were pondering... Suzanne in her ´naked´teppe!!!
This past year was one of dismay and dissapointment and worse for many. Let us hope it will be a ´sunnier´year for this one!
With hope for 2017.