Tuesday, February 14, 2017

An Update on Preparations of the St. Patricks Wellie Race up the Alps....

Dear Chubby,

Well another good wellie race behind you in Castlecomer on January 1st last, with no major regrets I hope. - Except that dastardly lot of regrets that turn up every year.  And no doubt you collected €000´s for charities to boot.  
You lads are truly outstanding in your field.  I hope the committee took stock -  and a few of whatever-you-are-having-yourself to celebrate.  You deserve it.

I am glad to report that the preparations are going forward with no undue stress or surprises for the
Great St. Patrick’s´ Day Wellie Race up the Alps.

 When:  Sunday March 12th at 1:00 p.m. (ish)

Where:  Kretz Dairy Farm, Moos, St. Gallen
             End time:  5:00 p.m.  (There are, after all, cows that have to be milked.)

So for those wellie race aficionados who cannot wait for another whole year to run around in freezing weather in their wellies - you are more than welcome to freeze along with us.... 
And you can join us for soup, cáca milis and a little céilí dancing afterwards to thaw the toes out. 
Our expectations this year are rather low; after the -10o we experienced for the race last year, we just hope everyone gets home alive. To that end we have on hand the Knights of Malta, the local branch of the Red Cross and the local Volunteer Fire Fighters.  So we are covered should anyone decide on a ´little theatrics´ en-route.

In addition if we can fit enough wads in the brown envelope, who knows the local Fastnacht group may come by in their costumes and make music as we run.  – Fastnacht in these parts is like Mardi Gras in Rio de Janerio – only with clothes on!

So, if anyone knows anyone who lives in the St. Gallen area of Switzerland or near Lake Konstanz in the Swiss-Germany border area, that would love to run up the Alps with us in their wellies, they can contact me at my blog site:  Irish Stew for the Soul.  – Sorry Facebook banned me, ´cos they wanted proof ´Hausfrau Róisín´ was a real live person. 
In the meantime we wellie racing enthusiasts are doing our morning wellie training runs.  Up before the sun we are.

That´s it for now, more before ´le big day´ I am sure. 

…. Now the matter of the Taytoes for the prize winners…. That is still an open question.
 Liebe Grüße Hausfrau Róisín. (Or, as you non- German speakers might say.... love...)

P.S. A suggestion Chubby.  It would be nice on your Facebook page to have a graph or a map showing where wellie races around the world connected to the Castlecomer wellie race have sprouted up.  I am sure some high tech or indeed low tech genius could put that together for you, well for a decent packed brown envelope anyway!


  1. ...I remember well the first time you told me you were planning a Wellie race. I’m not sure if I played along at that first hearing of it or immediately questioned what the heck you were talking about, but eventually I did ask. Really, it’s a moment stuck in time and added to with your annual adventure. I have to tell you, I’m in awe of you and several others we know who literally MAKE community. I’m gathering all this for use in my “next time around” :-)

  2. Happy Wellie racing this weekend. What a lovely tradition you've got going there. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun! Has the group expanded to include Fastnacht Fanatics and Freiwillige Feurwehr? (like my alliteration? :-))

  3. Sounds like lots of fun, something I’d like to run! But not to be

  4. ... A wellie race up the Alps. Sounds wonderful... If only I was independantly wealthy.

  5. Yeah to the Wellie race in the Alps..sounds fantastic. Did u ever think you'd be organizing such an event so high up!

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog post on exiting this world. I had been working on mine up until last month when I got sick. A great reminder to get back to it. Unfortunately, hubby isn't making an effort on his, so I will have to light a FLAME under his buttocks.
