So dear blog readers (all 3 million of you - give or take 2,900010 or so), finally to satisfy your curiosity about the wellie race, see here now, for your perusal and joy:
A report on the Great St. Patrick´s Day Wellie Race up the Alps.
Well as the boys in Powely Vale can tell you, wellie races don´t take off on their own. Much prep work was done by the Kretz family themselves in the days leading up to der big day..
A downstairs room was cleared sorted and cleaned by Ann and daughters Mary and Martina....

Someone seems to be taking care of the family crystal. She looks like she´s done this before too!
On account of the Wellie Race up the Alps being a more elegant class of a wellie race that some others we know - the workers were treated to some classical music as they washed and prepped their wellies.
It did not look too good the day before, but we prayed and were optimistic that the weather would improve; that the clouds would clear, and the wind would subside.
... Well it did n´t. They did n´t. And it did n´t
See below; this is what we woke up to the morning of der Big Gummistiefel Race.

And then it got worse... Visibility was down to two lengths - of a baby´s wellie.

The farm tabby took advantage of the free way.
But as cats are wont to, she assumed the way was cleared just for her. And just toddled away paying no heed to the freezing humans about her.
And so to the race itself:
Well the St. Patrick´s Day Wellie Race up the Swiss Alps was no Swiss Role let me tell you! (As reporter Jimmy Rhatigen from the Kilkenny Journal was the first to say. And in so doing making journalistic history be offering a quotable quote for decades to come.)
It happened again -5 degrees. Blizzards. Low to very low visibility. But we ran. And, we all made it home. Alive. Neither did we have an incident of frostbite, lung problems (well at least no permanent or life threatening lung problems that I was informed about anyway), or other annoying effects of running around in wellies in temperatures of less than – 5 degrees.
Numbers were down this year as it was too dangerous to drive to the Kretz Dairy farm in Moos, near St. Gallen for DER Wellie Race. – God bless sur´ wasn´t it too dangerous to be out in that weather running in wellie boots, but we did it anyway!
And their off!.....
participant 70 plus whatever you are having yourself.
The youngest 2 yrs.
this year were of Irish, Italian, German and Swiss stock. And fair dues, the most not having been at
all familiar with wellie racing before our first race in 2012, the gusto to
which they took to this ancient (?) and
noble(???) sport is truly commendable. – 5
degrees or no.
There was discussions that the over 70´s and under 5´s should be able to run in warm boots for medical reasons.
But of course that was ´verboten´. I mean a wellie race is not a wellie race if you are not wearing wellies – right! I regret to say we did have one boy-o who got to the starting line in footwear other than wellies, and worse he reached the finishing line before his suspect footwear was discovered. Let me just say ´the matter´ was dealt with in a way that I suspect Mr. Warm Boots won´t be doing that again!
The pictures above are the best record we have of the 2018 Great St. Patrick´s Day Wellie Race up the Alps. Not for want of trying, but visibility was as already said, only twice the length of a baby´s wellie, so the runners were there and gone before someone could click the camera. In addition, due to the harsh weather conditions, some cameras did not´click´at all.
After the Gummisteifelrennen:
We (quickly) retired indoors, where thanks to Ann and her daughters Mary and Martina, hot soup, wienerli (sausages), tea and lovely buns and cakes awaited participants and their groupies. And let me tell you, that great fare was eaten heartily.

At the behest of one of the participants; in view of the on-going thawing out of the racers and groupies alike, that Irish coffee should replace Irish dancing. That was agreed upon – At least for those who were legally allowed to imbibe.

Prizes were then presented ´liberally´; the reason being one young teenager, Celine, suggested that she wanted to collect the prize with all the other runners in her category, because, she felt everyone won that day just for running. We all agreed with her. … The wisdom of youth.

The over 18´s won an elegant Irish coffee glass with sweeties too – and let me say they all enthusiastically tried out their new Irish coffee glasses for same on the day!

For the rest of the afternoon, laughter and chat could be heard, no doubt even by those precious cows across the yard in the barn. - We are not sure how much of that was to do with the aforementioned imbibed Irish coffee e.t.c. however.

Your fellah in the photograph below getting a prize from Ann Broggy-Kretz - he was the first man home, asked me what was the political or religious background of the wellie race. I explained it all started in Powley, Castlecomer by accident some 40 years ago when a few lads set off to run off the ´Christmas excess´ as they say. They not being lads to wear fancy running shoes, and it not being the kind of weather for same anyway, they set off in their wellies. And so began this great and noble tradition. He was fierce disappointed to learn that wellies in Ireland were neither a religious nor a political issue.
Every participant was presented with the coveted 2018 wellie race badge.
In view of the treacherous weather, just for turning up, the groupies got a wellie race badge too. - See here one groupie proudly showing off her coveted wellie race badge.
Other folks having fun on the day.

Before signing off, I personally offer my thanks to Guido and Ann Kretz for inviting us to their farm to run our wellie race. No invite from Guido and Ann, no wellie race. That simple.
And Guido´s cows too naturally. No happy cows, no wellie race either!
Respectfully, you guys are nuts!!
ReplyDeleteGoing out in the cold where there is a nice warm tavern to drink hot totties inside!
HOW can you know about the joys of Wellie Racing in sub zero temperatures... Sur´ you are from Puerto Rico and everything below 25o /75o is ´hot totties´weather for you!
DeleteIt looks and sounds like great fun for everyone involved! There is no better way to spend a day in a blizzard with -5 degrees than to race around in wellies and celebrate with the brave / crazy participants and groupies afterwards.
ReplyDeleteDear Rosaleen, Ann and Fellow Wellie Racers,
ReplyDeleteGreetings from a cold and snow-covered Canada. We commend the hearty St. Gallen Wellie-Racers and wish you good running conditions and good spirits. We will be with you in spirit as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year. I found an Irish saying that I feel fits Rosaleen perfectly:
A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
Thank you, Rosaleen, for being the glue that keeps everyone connected and the energy force that makes a fun event like the Wellie Race become an annual tradition.
Will there be Tatos this year? That would almost be worth the cost of flying over to be with you. :-)
Anita, Dave, Andrew and Naomi (original Wellie Race contestants 2014)
All very interesting. ... Particularly enjoyed the pictures of the Welly Race in the Alps at -5 and zero visibility….. Makes Castlecomer seem like the Bahamas.