Sunday, May 31, 2020

My 65th Birthday in the time of Covid-19....

Well I am glad I did the two years celebrating the 60th birthday, because this year it was the one day celebrating the 65th!

I am not complaining:  A different birthday for different times.   -   And it was just lovely!

Romeo H and self went for a walk in the woods, woods normally as full as Tramore Beach of a sunny bank-holiday Monday in August. But in all of four hours we saw 12 people at most.

Our walk was a true adventure including a good 40 minutes climbing over fallen trees - it was only at the far side of the fallen trees, that we saw the ´do not enter´ sign!


And then there was an half hour getting lost in the woods....  😐!

....But we just kept cool, paused for a moment, or six!

Then we set off again.  Calmly putting one foot in front of the other and getting lost some more....

But we DID enjoy the view in our ´lost-ed-ness´ if you understand what I mean!

Finally we got back to where we started.  And there was himself there to greet us.

With his entourage in tow.....

But the fun and frolix did not end there.

Our adventures in the wild were followed by a swim in the lake.

And nobody was going to rush me either!

Well, to be honest, more like a ´Schwimmchen´ - for you Germans and a ´swim-ín´ for you Irish readers....

Romeo H was far more robust in his swimming adventures, God bless him....

The swim-ín was followed by home made pizza -  cooked by the Pizza Meister himself.



And eaten auf der Terrasse - which was just begining to come into bloom.

Along with a glass of what ever you are having yourself!

A lovely day.

Much to be grateful for.

And I am.


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