I tell you, they have it all in Stiftland - the biggest tourist destination you never heard of!
Stiftland is reeking with history: modern, historical, pre-history. And some vital geographical features too. Then there are architechtural gems strewn all over the countryside. And the food. - To break your diet for!
I am telling you - the place could compete with Rome, Paris or London for all there is to do and see there for your two weeks holidays. Ok. ok. so maybe a teeny tiny bit lacking on a few world class Impressionist paintings. But after that they have it all in Stiftland!
Stiftland, about the size of Co. Kilkenny, is situated in a sort of tri-angle area in West Germany, as it was before the Iron Curtain came down, the Czech-Republic, and the DDR, former Communist East Germany.
So we visited Romeo H´s cousins last week; they live near a small town called Waldsassen in an area called Stifland.
It is a quite bucolic region, and at the same time a prosperous and productive area too; like Germans most everywhere, the Germans here work hard as well. Main income sources are a building company of 500 employees, mineral water bottling. And the production of what is considered the best Lebkuchen in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD: Indeed you can buy some yourself to check it out!
Attached are a few photos of some of the places that Karin X and Andreas X brought us too, that were of particluar interest to me.
1) Attached photos of self sitting on a rock in part of what was the Iron Curtain. The hill is called Dylen´s Hill. The radios masks etc now used for local radio stations were part of the Czech Communist Regime ´ears´to eversdrop on West Germany. Herbert´s cousin said, the DDR had its own system to eversdrop as did the Western Powers. All evesdropping on each other and all the radio masks were in sight of each other.
Before 1989, we would have been shot and killed sitting here. Problably killed before we actually got this close to the radion station.
2) The photo of me before the gates with the dogs:
This was obviously the entrance to this zone. The area would have been very heavily guarded two decades ago. As I stood there there were mountain bikers from the Czech Republic and the German republic cycling by out of scene. The old dogs no doubt belonged to the gardener inside who was cutting the grass, and not there for more sinster reasons.
... And all this just down the way from where the King and Kaiser himself decided was the middle point in Europe...
Sometimes when we busy ourselves with world concerns today; we forget about the good stuff that did get sorted out,simply because it is no longer a concern now. I think that is not a good thing.
God bless stay safe.

Now lads I have to admit, the last two weeks ran away on me, so I am doing a ´quickie´from here on in. It is times like this I am in particular awe of journalists who can ´do 1500 words´or so for tomorrows papers. HOW do they do it!

Here is self doing my yoga at exactly 50o latitude. öö
Yep there in the field it is exactly 50o on the stones laid in a row. Cool or what!
And then beautiful churches all over the place.... I tell you, Stiftland would give Rome a run for the money!

Well I have to leave it at that, and I have not even got into the half of it!
To get the full scoop on Stilftland, you will just have to go there yourself!
Yes, Paris, Rome, London, take note. Stiftland is a´ comen!

.. happy Cows!
Happy Day to you all!
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