This blog posting is dedicated to Martha X and Raymond Y.
Below is an e-mail
posted to them recently. A gentle read, that I hope dear reader,
you might enjoy.
Liebe Martha, lieber
Greetings to you
I hope life and times and health continue well for you
there. As it is here. Thank God.
We have little news,
which as we said before is not a bad thing in these Covid times.
In lieu of news I share a nice story. - No the boss of the pension
down the road has not found his inner peace and is now nice to
guests. Alas the establishment continues on as usual.
But we have a car
story in which you are indirectly a part and which you may enjoy.
This is not an urgent read, so wait until you have you have a
relaxing moment with your drink of choice to hand and enjoy.
As you may recall,
when you visited, Herbert was quite taken with your Jaguar. - AND
with you both of course, but that goes without saying!!!
Anyway Herbert
assumed such a lovely car was not a feasible purchase for us.
But fair dues he went looking and looking and looking on the
internet. He did about five months of looking and fair dues again, he
did indeed find and purchased the Jaguar of his dreams as you know.
We enjoyed trips in the Jaguar for over six years. Great happy
memories around many adventures on the road.

In the last while
our life plans have evolved; I will be a retiree next year D.V.
(ho hooooo!). We plan to do more road trips outside of school
holiday time. - Herbert being self employed can arrange his work
schedule easier than me. We wanted flexibility. ..... And we
got it with a new (second hand) Dacia.
It worked almost
seamlessly. On Sunday June 28th, Herbert sold his Jaguar to a
lovely gentleman called Joseph who ´collects Jaguars´, we know the
car will be loved, which is a good feeling for us after so many happy
years with the car.

FYI: I think St. Joseph, like St. Christopher are totally underrated saints - if you ´do´ saints that is. And worse for the latter who had to put up with a demotion to ´blessed´from the Vatican some years ago. But I digress. ...

We already tried it out. And it worked a treat: On Friday July 10th we drove to Venice for seven days. 😎 - More on that adventure in the last blog posting.
On the way back we
visited two vineyards in Valpolicella 😊. Taking our time we drove
back via Innsbruck. Just before the Arlberg tunnel we found a
suitable car park to overnight and sleep. And that we did on our box
bed. Arriving into Allensbach at 6:20 a.m. on Sunday July 20th.
For info. on the box bed Romeo H. chose to purchase:
For info. on the box bed Romeo H. chose to purchase:
All for now and full
of ´Dacia happy´ from Allensbach. More photos below.
Hausfrau Róisín
P.S. Note to self
and Dacia owner. Regardless of how mild the weather is, a warm
sleeping bag is always advisable!
Dacia in Vineyard La Dame in Valpolicella
A reader asked for photos of the Jaguar.
See below Romeo H coming home in September 2013 with his brand new third hand Jaguar.
Is that the look of one happy camper im Leben.
And ´the happy´ was deserved: Romeo H. put in a look of work and effort to find the Jaguar of his dreams.....
One happy man with his new car!
Celebrating the Jaguar purchase.....
And the Jaguar was bought after the Mercedes was sold.
But that is another whole story!
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