Monday, August 31, 2020

Today is the First Day of the REST OF MY LIFE!

No, gentle reader, this is not a philosophical ´light bulb´moment reached after my having spent three hours/three weeks/three months pondering my navel.

Nor have I cleared off my credit card debt.  (There is  none to clear off. Thank God.)  Nor have I made a determined effort today to give up the cigarettes/booze/horses/dogs/toyboys 😲/tea 😲😲.…

While all of the aforementioned are excellent, noble - indeed courageous reasons, to make a given day the first day of the rest of one´s life, they do not apply to me.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life because today I gave up the day job! FOREVER.

Yes, today Monday 31st of August 2020 is the first day that I do not have to go to work here in Germany, and I NEVER have to have a permanent job again for the rest of my life! 

 YA HOOoooooooooooo

You see dear reader, I am soon to join the ranks of the ever enviable. Namely: The retired, who are still healthy, who have managed to save a few Euros and who have a long list of exciting, wonderful, fun adventurous life to do´s that they now have time to get done. And now, not only can they afford it all -  it is legal!  Well... mostly!

And let us all hope we may be blessed with the precious gift of health for a nice long time to enjoy doing things on that nice long exciting ´to do´ list!

Before I continue I will pause and enjoy this moment of awareness of my new status. 

.... Several minutes of navel pondering later:

I realize, there is not much to add  to this happy blog posting;  what can one say to one improve on all this happy!

Yes, there is one thing I can add:

Since I left work on Friday last, I have caught myself at least three times saying,´ oh I am glad I am free on Monday´. Then I pause and remember `Hey you have forgotten again; you are not just free on Monday - you do not have  to work ever again in a permanent job EVERYDAY - FOR   THE   REST   OF   YOUR   LIFE!

How cool is that then!

Above: Self waving to my dear friend and former co-worker Uli as I left work in Germany last Friday for the last time ..... 

Below: Uli calls out goodbye as I ride off on my little mofa into the future..... 

 (Danke liebe Uli; als ich Dich bei der Arbeit lachen hörte, war ich immer glücklich. Wir bleiben in Kontakt!)

YA HOOoooooooooooo x 10!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

John Hume, Irish man, Nobel Laureate and Man of Peace. RIP.

John Hume, Irish man, Nobel Laureate and Man of Peace died on Monday 3rd of August.  RIP.

He faught tirelessly for a peaceful solution to ´the Troubles´ in Northern Ireland..

The New York Times wrote of him today:

Throughout a career in Northern Ireland politics, in which finger-pointing and recrimination amplified a drumbeat of bombings and killings, Mr. Hume stood as a voice of reason, counseling against the cycles of bloodshed between the Protestant majority and the Roman Catholic minority.

“An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind,” John Hume said, attributing the comment to Dr. King.

Please take a moment to inform yourself about this great man: 

Because of John Hume, Ireland and the world is a better place.    

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam