Saturday, May 10, 2014

Advice from Moi: True, life is not fair but dealing with that is better than complaining about it.

Over the years I have accrued snippets of advice that nobody has been knocking down my front door to glean.   So I sent it to a website for young people for consideration for publication.  They got all excited until they discovered nearly ´60´ was not a type error meant to read nearly ´16`!

However one of the nice things about having a blog is you can write about things like accrued snippets of advice that nobody has been knocking down one´s front door to glean.

So here it is for the pleasure of the whole world:  My spiel on life being ´not fair´.

Life is not fair – Deal with it.

Five things a young person – or anyone else, can do to make their way in life, regardless of their circumstances. 

Chances are there is someone you know that you feel is smarter/prettier/has more talent/stuff/money/better home circumstances etc than you.  You may well be right, because the bad news is: life is not fair. 
         Now you can chose to sit there for the next 20 years sulking because life is not fair, and it won´t make things any less unfair - only  worse, because you will be now 20  years older.

         Or, and here is the good news: You can choose to accept the life circumstances you have and take steps to not let those circumstances stop you from going forward.  And more good news: You can do it starting right now - today!
Here are five things you can do to work towards a successful life - regardless of your personal circumstances.

1)   Volunteer
Volunteer and GIVE IT YOUR BEST

- In an animal shelter, the local garden group, in an old people´s home, the volunteer fire service, anywhere that appeals to you.  No one will be thinking `Oh, there´s the kid that is n´t cool` or `has a bad home situation` or whatever.  They will be seeing you in action and thinking `Wow, there is a great kid`.  Full stop.

When volunteering you will have fun, gain life experience, make contacts and meet people who may support you as you go forward in life.   And, you may discover a talent or skill that you can later turn into a full time work situation.
         If you have no idea where to start, or where you would like to volunteer, ask  a teacher or someone you admire, they will likely be delighted you did.

2)  Say `Thank you`
Being thankful and saying thank you makes you feel better and it will make your life better.

Thank God daily for what is good in your life.  Can´t think of anything to be thankful for?  How about being healthy, being able to read this article, sunshine, a favorite friend or relative….   You get the idea.

And don´t stop there. Thank other people in person, via the internet, on the phone, or best of all write a note; thank people who have been nice to you, or have helped you in some way. Even someone you may or may not know because you admire what they do.

I don´t know how or why, but somehow all that time and energy you put into thanking people will bring good things and opportunities your way.    Don´t ask me how, just try for a month and see for yourself.

3)  Read
Reading brings you the world - and you don´t even have to get out of bed! 

Books are wonderful.  Reading books gives you insight into the experiences of others - always helpful for people who want to succeed in life.  And you are always in charge!  You chose what to read and where your imagination will bring you.

Don´t know where to start?  Look through these suggestions from the English newspaper the Telegraph:  Many of the books suggested in this link you will find in your local library.

And not just books, read newspapers too.  You will discover a different perspective on world, and local affairs than you will see on T.V.   An excellent place to start is the Christian Science Monitor   On their website the Christian Science Monitor is described as:  `…an          international news organization that delivers thoughtful, global coverage via its website,        weekly magazine, daily news briefing, email newsletters, and mobile site.  The Monitor is global, both in practice and in spirit.`   It is all of the above. And it is   easy to read.

(Don´t be fooled by the name,  the Christian Science Monitor is not a Christian orientated newspaper;  how it came by its name is very interesting, you can read about that on the Monitor´s own webpage, or  in Wikipedia for example.)

4)  Learn about money.
Learn not just about saving, and managing money, but learn how money works.

For many adults the biggest problems for them and their families can come from the adults making bad money choices. Better to learn about money now, so you can make informed choices when you earn your own money. 
Two places I would recommend you start:  
a) Anything written by Suzie Orman.  Her books and articles on money are informative and much easier to read and understand than many other books on finances.  Importantly, the information is reliable.  You will find her books in most libraries.  You can also check out things she writes in the internet. 

b)    Investopedia  is a good place to find the meaning of difficult money related words and phrases, all explained in plain English.

Both these sources are directed at adults, but that makes sense; it is usually adults who make bad money choices, not children or young people.

O.K., O.K. so learning about how money works may be a bit abstract when you don´t have much of it in your pocket.  That´s fine, there is no need to learn all about money this weekend - or even this week!   For now just learn the number one lesson, and, the most important lesson about money:

Never spend more than you have.

It seems like a no brainer, but it is amazing how many adults don´t get this and as result get into a right mess.  So for now just remember never spend more money than you have.  Other information on money you can get to when you are ready. 

But, I strongly recommend you learn about money before you make any.  Because I assure you even if you were to make a million dollars, if you don´t use it wisely, you will lose it.   Conversely you might make or earn much less than a million dollars, but used wisely it can build up to a nice fortune.

5)  Dream.
          `If you don't have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?`  Oscar Hammerstein II
         That simple. 

Plus one `Don´t`             
For good measure, here´s one thing not to do if you want to make your way in life.
If you don´t want it on the internet, don´t say it or do it! 
Because as sure as day follows night, whatever it is you say or do that you would rather people did not know about, someone will be there with a phone camera to record it.  And once it is on the world wide web, you just cannot take it back. -  Definitely no help to someone who has chosen to make a good way for themselves in life, regardless of their personal circumstances.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, I hope you enjoyed it, or better that you found it helpful.
Good luck!

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