Figure this folks: Humanity was creating beautiful edifices such as this beautiful gate below, in the person of Nebuchadnezzer II around 2600 B.C.
Yes, that is 4600 years ago we humans could create such magnificence. But more than 4500 thousand years later we still have not come up with a way to treat each other like humans. That I can not get my head around at all.
And 4600 years later the structure below is, I am told `art´too. I say nothing...
To be honest, I found the art galleries lacking... It is of course because so much of the art work was looted. That said, this is one picture I could have hanging on the wall!
I figure you have all read enough, so just look at the pictures below and enjoy Berlin. Here private guide par excellence Big Stu gave me a great tour of ´the insiders´ Berlin.
And on the advice of these friendly women, I had what they said was ´the best´of Berlin´s world famous curry wurst. Let me just say somewhat tackfully; what with Berlin focusing on over coming the horrors of their recent history... perhaps they have not had the chance to focus on ´culinary developemnts´.
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