Blog posting for the 30th of September 2020
- Due to the encountering of dead donkeys with internet connections, publication of this posting is somewhat delayed till October.
conversation at a picnic in the Schulferienbetreuung (school summer
camp) with Hanna the most wise, age 7. (Translated into English
for the benefit of the non- German speakers among
Above: Hanna the most wise behind the plant she planted in the plant pot she decorated. As dictated, becasue of Covid 19 I like all the other adults, had to wear my face mast when working near children during the Summer Holidays
Hanna: Frau Crotty do you eat the skin of your Würstchen, or do you take it off.
Self: Mostly I take it off.
Hanna: Me too. It can be all messy in your tummy. I bet our tummies don´t like that. (pause) Oh I love it, if I read two pages tonight, I will be able to watch T.V.
Self: Does your Mama say you have to read two pages every day?
Hanna: Yes, Mama and Papa say that.
Self: Oh I think your Mama and Papa are very wise parents, it is good to read two pages every day. I read at least two pages every day too.
Hanna: (somewhat surprise!) But why?
Self: I like to read, it helps me with my German. And I learn new things. I like learning new things.
Hanna: WHAT - you learn new things! But did you not learn everything in school?
Self: Oh no Hanna there is always new things to learn….
Hanna: But I thought we went to school to learn everything!
Self: No Hanna, the world keeps changing and there are always new things for us all to learn. For example when I was at school there was no internet, there were no smartphones, there was no Google…...
Hanna - pensively und clearly agast: Frau Crotty, did they have toilets when you went to school?
Hanna stayed with all these considerations for some moments as she ate dessert. Then like most sensible children, she went off to play.
So dear reader, a reminder once again, if indeed one were needed: Regardless where you are in life, and what your circumstance, it is always good to be involved in some way with children – AND to give them time and space to talk. Their perspectives can be illuminating.
That said, Hanna´s view of the world is particularly magical. - And more, both she and her sister love wellingtons – brightly coloured happy happy wellingtons!
One amazing child can be a statistical accident. Not two. Their parents, in my opinion, deserve every credit.
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