Sunday, May 30, 2021

If you feel Pain, or something ´Different´ - Go to the Doctor......

Two blog postings inside a week!  Holy God.

This one is shorter than the last posting.  BUT, FAR more important than talking about singing and dancing - with or with (almost) no clothes on!

It is one of those life lesson, that everyone knows, but many ignore.  But I am still going to repeat the oft repeated message all the same:

If you feel Pain,  or feel something ´Different´ - Go to the Doctor. 

 It could save your life. That simple.

It really is one of those no brain-er life decisions that everyone knows one should make, but many don´t do it.  

I write because this situation happened in my circle; a man who ignored various pains and changes because he ´did n´t want to be involved with stuff to do with being old`.  --- Well in his case it could well have been the other alternative to being old!

Except his wife made a scene insisting he get it seen to.  

He did. 

It was a life and death situation.  They had to immediately set up and plan for a long drawn out operation, prepare for ICU and all sorts of foreboding actions.  

As it turned in his case it all turned out very well.  ICU was not needed, in fact not too much was needed at all after the operation, it was a ´text book best case scenario´ case the  doctors said, they had never seen a recovery like it. 

In fact from the patient´s perspective, there was only one down side: The ´ addictive substance´ prescribed for his pain management did not agree with him.... 

He woke up in the middle of the night and informed the medical staff that ´little men were chasing after him´.  

The pain management medication was changed to something more suited to him.  However the latter had no ´additional affects´ shall we say.  He was disgusted!  

Inside a week he was home.  

The doctors pointed out, as I am sure doctors often do:

Had he had his condition seen to earlier, there would have been a LOT less stress - and expense involved in dealing with the problem. 

A great end to what could have been another end.  

So back to where I started:  

If you feel Pain, or something ´Different´ - Go to the Doctor.  It could save your life!

Hausfrau Róisín. 

Addendum: If anyone has other similar stories, let me know. 


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