Aging is a mystery.
Doing it well or otherwise is, as far as I can see, part self, part good health and part plain good luck.
Lydia, my mother-in-law, is 86 in September. She ´does age` great.
Over the years she and my father-in-law and have kept in reasonably good health; indeed health concerns Lydia had in earlier years seemed to have become less of an issue as she ages!
Lydia is a great character, always was. But in latter years, her eyes and ears don´t work as well. Ironically it is not a bad thing that she can´t hear noise, and that she cannot see badly cleaned-up things to get her upset because they are not tidied as she would have liked. As a result, the good lady is more chill and relaxed.
My parents-in-law happily live a quieter smaller life than in years passed. Gone are the cruises they could afford when the children were reared, gone the long flights and even longer car trips
But, my parents-in-law enjoy their family and circle of friends.
And they enjoy their garden – and food. And they enjoy them with gusto!
Lydia proudly told Romeo H of a new recipe she had developed last week. And she had every right to be proud of it – see if Jamie Oliver is developing new recipes at nearly 86!
The dish ´Champignons a lá Lydia` is easy to make, cheap and nutritious. I mean what´s not to love about this!
… O.K. a tad rich in cholesterol and sodium, but at almost 86 who is worried!
The video below is Lydia, ´supported´ by my father in law Herbert telling us how to prepare ´Champignons a lá Lydia`.
Not to worry if you don´t understand, the telling of the story is the sweet point of it all.
You can see, like I said, Lydia ´does old´very well!
P.S. The recipe is easy. Fry up onions, garlic and salted bacon, add sliced tomatoes and mushrooms, flavour as you wish, add broth, cream. When fried together nicely, add cooked noodles. The quantities are as much or as little of everything that you want. Grated Parmigiano if desired. That´s it!
Lydia recommends ´a nice Reisling wine´ to drink with ´Champignons a lá Lydia`
And it IS tasty.
Happy cooking!…. And happy aging if that´s where you are at these days
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